“If me having a G&T in a nice bar, flirting with handsome men, upsets them - I’m going to do it more,” he said. “They cared about us and our safety,” he told the Mirror.Īngell said it’s important people keep a stiff upper lip and not let terrorists stop you from partying. “I’ll be going back to the same restaurant to finish my meal, pay my bill and give them a double tip,” he said of the Arabica Bar and Kitchen in Borough Market.Īngell said the staff reacted calmly, ordered everything to be “locked down” and told customers to take cover as the chaos unfolded. Richard Angell, 33, said he has no fear of revisiting the scene, where seven were slaughtered Saturday night in a terror attack. London terror attack victim's last travel article to be publishedĪ London man who was drinking a gin and tonic and ordering food with pals at a restaurant when he got caught up in the London Bridge terror attack said he is going back to the eatery when it reopens - to pay his tab and give staff an extra tip.
Girlfriend of London Bridge terror victim Jack Merritt breaks down at vigilįather of 2017 London Bridge stabbing victim speaks out on new attack The Admiral Duncan is a public house in Old Compton Street, Soho in central London that is well known as one of Sohos oldest gay pubs. Woman who lost fiancé in UK attack falls for Paris massacre hero: report